Book Your
Rapid or PCR
COVID-19 Tests Now
Our healthcare team takes the stress out of testing and comes to you to administer Rapid Antigen and/or PCR Tests.
Results for Rapid Antigen Tests are available on-site within 15 minutes.
Results for PCR Tests are available online within 48 hours of testing.
All of our tests are Health Canada approved.
Set up an appointment now:
The Patient accepts any risks associated with the transfer of their health information through electronic methods (ie. a possible leak, hack, breach in security, etc.). The Patient understands that they will only be notified if they receive a positive result in addition to Public Health being notified (by law). The Patient will be required to be tested again for verification at an official testing centre via the Nasopharyngeal method and self-isolate as directed by Public Health if they receive a positive result. The Patient understands that with any form of current testing, there is a chance of a false negative or false positive result and the Patient will continue to adhere to all COVID-19 safety protocols in compliance with Public Health protocols regardless of their test results, and render Canadian Health Labs and Canadian Health Labs’ Health Canada approved / accredited Ontario Medical lab partners harmless of any damage or harm should a false result be reported.